Chatter Ring Pro Shop MARUYOSHI


Mini Ring 5 Beads (remake ring)

Beads: Jittermax Jitter Ring

Ring : 6mm Stainless , Diameter 17.5cm


<Owned by JCRA>

Mini Ring 3 Beads (remake ring)

Beads: Jittermax Jitter Ring

Ring : 6mm Stainless , Diameter 17.5cm

<Owned by JCRA>

Mini Ring 4 Beads (remake ring)

Beads: Jitterma Jitter Ring

Ring : 6mm Stainless , Diameter 17.5cm

<Owned by JCRA>

Remake parts

<Owned by JCRA>

Brand‐new main ring is slick, Do the TUNE with sandpaper first..


<How to buy Chatter Rings in the shop>

When buy the Chatter Ring in the Shop,Check the part of welding the stainless ring.

When buy the Chatter Ring in online shop,ask about the part of welding .

Do not buy too much denting welding ring.

Too much denting ring is defective product,Call to manufacturer and ask to exchange the ring.

Chatter Ring Pro Shop MARUYOSHI

1571-1 Kinoura Hakata Ehime 794-2305 JAPAN



inserted by FC2 system